Today stretched us in ways it is difficult to explain. It all began today at 5am with a ride to the Delhi train station. Here is what the day looks like after returning to our Guest House at Midnight.
5am Depart to Delhi Train Station... imagine a sporting event getting over and your team won but without the collective celebration (people everywhere)
6am to 11:00 travel by train to Gwailor where we are met with drums and fanfare
12:00 to 2:00 travel in a caravan of SUVs to a remote town where half of the travel is a police escort.
2-4pm Footwashing rally with 500 people.
4pm quick exit with much of the town waving and chasing after us in celebration
7pm wait for the train
7:30pm train arrives
11:30pm arrive in Delhi train station where it seems just as busy as any other day. If you have seen video of worker bees scurying around a hive, this is what it felt like.
11:35pm we got to go on our first Auto Rikshaw ride from the station back to our guest house for 120 rupes or about $3
Midnight on Wednesday night we arrive at P51 which is our Guest House to get cleaned up and go to bed.
We cannot put into words how much we prayed during travel, the celebration and watching something amazing happen to people as they begin to realize they are not just who they have been told they are, but made equal in God's image.
Hope the video works from the rikshaw
Steve and Daisy
Good thing you weren't in the James Bond version of the rickshaw! :-) I'm enjoying reading about your adventures. You are a brave couple. Continued success on your journey.
ReplyDeleteDoug B