Friday morning, we toured a school that would be comprable to a private college prep school back home. The difference in this school however is that it only accepts kids from high caste Hindu families. The "head boy and girl" shared with us about their school. When Boaz Johnson was a student he was at top of his class (Head Boy) here and could relate very well. But as a student when Boaz shared that he was a Christian, they stripped him of his title and he was not recognized for his accedemic achievements. He underwent persecution for what he believed. He has an incredible story as he kept hidden his story and where he lived (slums of Delhi).
We kept our identities quiet and finished the tour. It was interesting to tour the school. The staff continually asked, "what do you think of our school?" as to seek our approval or to show off. It was a nice school but it was clear that it was only for the high caste families and kids. When we left, we were given booklets as gifts. The writing in these booklets affirmed that the casste system was neccessary and helpful or that everyone has their place in society for a functional purpose.
After the tour, we took a 2 hour bus ride to our next foot washing rally. My jaw dropped when the truthseeker staff said that we were still in Delhi. We had only traveled about 35K... doing the math, that's 15-20 kilometers per hour!
Again, the foot washing rally was unique. This village is known for being Agnostic and very tough in what they will accept. What we have learned is that in America, faith is such an individualistic endeavor. Here, faith is mostly a communal act. At each of these rallies, there are local contacts that are "Truthseekers" or Christians. It was a good day. I shared a brief story in front of the crowd. Daisy said it took 5 minutes! (long in her opinion) but Boaz came to my deffense that it really was 2.5 minutes because of the interpretor. She is my best critic.
Time has gone quickly. And we have gotten used to this place. Around every corner our eyes are opened to something new and it begs the question, "Are the problems here too big to change?"
Steve and Daisy
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