Today is Friday and went to the Garden of Gethsemene/ Mount of Olives, Dominus Flevit, City of David, shopping with Matt Peterson (extreme bargining skills), and a fine dinner to come.
The Garden of Gethsemene where Jesus often took his disciples and prayed, was arrested here in the darkness of night. From the garden, the city walls are quite visible as they are high up the hill. In the Gosepel of Luke, the writer continually leads the reader toward Jerusalem beginning in chapter 11. Being here now, it makes fuller sense that in Jesus' time of prayer and petition, he would have set his eyes on Jerusalem and the cross.
Tonight we have a final supper with Matt and friends. Another
American came intoday and three more will visit in the next couple days who will stay for two weeks. We hope Matt gets enough time to study.
See many of you soon.
Grace and Peace,
Steve and Daisy